Smile Lines


Mathematics, African style

A Gambian farmer passed away and left seventeen mules to his three sons. The instructions left in the will said that the oldest boy was to get one-half, the second oldest one-third, and the youngest one-ninth.


The three sons, recognising the difficulty of dividing 17 mules into these fractions began to argue, as only Gambians argue! Their uncle Seedy heard about their argument, hitched up his mule and rode out to settle the matter.

Uncle Seedy added his mule to the 17, making 18. The oldest therefore got one-half, or 9, the second oldest got one-third, or 6, and the youngest got one-ninth, or 2. Adding up 9, 6 and 2 equals 17.


Then uncle Seedy, having settled the argument, hitched up his mule and rode home. Uncle Seedy is an occasional consultant to the Bishop of Gambia and his diocesan Board of Finance.


Mysterious adults

Two children discussing childhood and their parents: "First they teach you to walk and when you do, they're ever so proud. Then they teach you to talk, and when you do, they're ever so proud. Then when you can both walk and talk, they tell you to sit down and shut up!"


Faint praise

When bishops want to persuade other bishops to accept clergy who are not altogether satisfactory into their diocese, they can resort to some Episcopal tricks of speech. This is a practice known as 'throwing dead cats over the garden fence.' Thus one bone idle curate was recommended in this way: 'Any vicar who gets this young man to work with him will be extremely fortunate.' Another vicar, who was too mean to give anyone even a cup of tea, got the push with 'a man of rare gifts.' One crackpot priest was even described as 'well-balanced'. The bishop answered the quizzical look of his secretary with, 'Well, he has chips on both shoulders!'


A past Archbishop of Canterbury was a distinguished guest at the mayoral dinner. As the first course was being served a waiter accidentally dropped a whole bowl of hot soup into his Grace's lap. The Archbishop looked around the table despairingly and said: "Is there any layman present who will be good enough to express my feelings?"


Q. Where do professors come from?

A. From the West. Because the wise men came from the East.

Q. What did Jonah do for three days in the belly of the big fish?

A. Sang, of course! Everybody sings in Wales!


And Jesus said to them: 'Who do you say that I am?' And the theologians replied: 'You are the eschatological manifestation of the ground of our being. In you we find theosis, for you are the kerygma of which we find the ultimate meaning of our interpersonal relationships." And Jesus said: "What?"


An unwed lass began her confession to the priest. "T'is a shameful thing I have to confess Father, but I am pregnant." She was so upset that the kindly priest decided to give her the benefit of the doubt. "Are you sure t'is yours?" asked the priest.


Two Yorkshire farmers were discussing their respective clerics. One said: "Our fellow's got foot and mouth disease. 'E don't visit and 'e can't preach!"


The doctor and the parson were standing with the wife beside the bed of an old man who was dying. "I'm afraid he's gone," said the priest. "Yes, he has," said the doctor. "No, I ain't," murmured the patient, feebly trying to sit up. "Lie down, dear," said the wife. "Doctor and parson do know best."


The sermon was a great success, but the congregation was a disaster.


Happiness to clergy is someone who snores in the same key as the closing hymn.


As many families arrive at a New Year, exhausted after Christmas festivities with perhaps too much family too close for too long……………..


Marriage halves our griefs, doubles our joys, and quadruples our expenses. anon

Social tact is making your company feel at home, even though you wish they were.

Woman knows what Man has too long forgotten, that the ultimate economic and spiritual unit of any civilisation is still the family. Clare Boothe Luce

We feel about as active as a leftover fly in January.

He was as welcome as a monthly bill.

In the New Year I resolve to do just about what I did last year. anon


On taking stock of ourselves physically...


When his doctor told him to take a walk each day on an empty stomach, Sydney Smith inquired: "Whose?"

There must be a destiny to shape our ends, but our middles are of our own chewing.

You've heard of the three ages of man - youth, age and "You are looking wonderful." - Francis Cardinal Spellman


Comments on the season...

Note to hunters: If it stands on its hind legs and has a pipe in its mouth, it isn't a deer.

Science informs us that no two snowflakes are alike, but along about this time of year I tend to feel that when you've seen one you've seen them all. B Hills


As we survey the world scene, with war threatening...


The passion for inflicting harm, the cruel thirst for vengeance, an unspecific and relentless spirit, the fever of revolt, the lust of power, and such like things, all these are rightly condemned in war.... True religion looks upon as peaceful those wars that are waged not for motives of aggrandisement or cruelty, but with the object of securing peace, of punishing evil doers, and of uplifting the good. - St Augustine


We fight to great disadvantage when we fight with those who have nothing to lose. - Italian proverb


Looking forward to 2003


When a man finds no peace within himself, it is useless to seek it elsewhere. French proverb

There is more to life than increasing its speed. Gandhi

A lot of kneeling will keep you in good standing.

He who kneels before God can stand before anyone.

Parents may not be able to appraise the worth of a university career, but they can sure tell you the cost.

A businessman will be judged by the company he keeps solvent.

The first lie detector was made out of the rib of a man. And no improvement has ever been made on the original machine. - anon

You can say what you want to around home because no one pays any attention to you.

If you think no one cares if you're alive, try missing a few instalment payments.

God sends no one away empty except those who are full of themselves. D L Moody

My dear friends, you may take it as a rule that the Spirit of God does not usually do for us what we can we can do for ourselves. C H Spurgeon

Waiting for general revival is no excuse for not enjoying personal revival. Stephen Olford.

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