Smile Lines


A lovely heart-shaped box of chocolates was received on Valentine's Day by a young student from her new boyfriend. On the enclosed card was the inscription; 'To Helen, with all my allowance."


Man of few words: a husband


Marriage has three states: cooing, wedding, billing


Shotgun wedding: A case of wife or death.


When I was younger I hated going to weddings. All my aunts would poke me in the ribs and cackle: 'You're next.' They stopped that after I started doing the same thing to them at funerals. 


"Dad," asked little Ted, "what does a man's better half mean?"
"Usually," his father said, "she means exactly what she says."

Wedding dress

When my sister Andrea got married, she asked to wear my mother's wedding dress.  The day she tried it on for the first time I was sitting with Mother in the living room as Andrea descended the stairs.  The gown was a perfect fit on her petite frame.  Mother's eyes welled with tears.  I put my arm around her. "You're not losing a daughter," I reminded her in time-honoured fashion. "You're gaining a son." "Oh, forget about that!" she said with a sob.  "I used to fit into that dress!" 


A friend and his wife were considering travelling to Alaska for a trip that the husband had long dreamed of taking. He kept talking about how great it would be to stay in a log cabin without electricity, to hunt moose, and drive a dog team instead of a car. "If we decided to live there permanently, away from civilization, what would you miss the most?" he asked his wife one night. She replied without hesitation: "You."

Sunday school lion

A Sunday school teacher was telling her youngsters about Daniel and the Lion's Den. To illustrate the lesson she drew a picture of Daniel standing, brave and confident, with a group of lions around him. Suddenly, one little girl started to cry. The teacher said, "Don't cry. The lions are not going to eat Daniel."

Snuffling back the tears the girl replied: "That's not what I'm crying about. That little lion, over in the corner, isn't going to get anything to eat."


My very young daughter and her friend both needed new boots even though it was late in the season for them. The friend got in the car one morning finally wearing new boots. "Beth," I commented, "I see you got new boots. Where did you get them?"
"At the store," she answered.
"Which one?" I asked. Beth began looking at her new boots and after a pause said, "Both of them."

Some excuses for next time you take a day off work.

~ I've been stalking my previous boss, who fired me for missing work. Okay?

~ I just found out that I was switched at birth. Legally, I shouldn't come to work knowing my employee records may now contain false information.

~ I was seeing my psychiatrist, who said it was an excellent session.  He even gave me a jaw restraint so I won't bite anyone when I'm startled.

~ The dog ate my car keys.  We had to hitchhike to the vet.

~ I prefer to remain an enigma. Now you see me, now you don't.

~ I could not come to work because the Council has determined that my house is completely surrounded by wetlands and I have to arrange for helicopter transportation.

~ I am converting my calendar from Julian to Gregorian.

~ I refuse to travel to my job until there is a commuter tax. I insist on paying my fair share.

~ I've used up all my sick I'm calling in dead!


While the family was sitting around the dinner table, Jennifer, 5, turned to her brother Andy, 3, and pointed to their dad. "That's not your real father," she said, startling the whole family.  "Yes, he is!" Andy replied. 

"No, he's not," Jennifer insisted. "God is your heavenly father." Then pointing at her dad, she said, "That's only your homely father!"


A teenager who had just received her provisional licence offered to drive her parents to church. After a hair-raising ride, they finally reached their destination. The mother got out of the car and said in a quiet but fervent voice: "Thank you!"

"Anytime," her daughter replied.

As the woman slammed the car door she said, "I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to God."

No news

A traveller was marooned in a small town because of a landslide caused by heavy rain. It fell in torrents for three days. Looking out of the window of the restaurant, he finally remarked to the waitress: "This is like the flood."
"The what?"
"The flood. Surely you have heard about the great flood and Noah and the Ark?"
"Sorry, sir, “she replied. "I haven't seen a newspaper for four days."

It is, dear

"You know, dear, John doesn't seem to be as well dressed as he was when you married him.
"That's funny. I'm sure it's the same suit."


Policeman to man pacing pavement at three o'clock in the morning: "What are you doing here?"
Man: "I forgot my key, officer, and I'm waiting for my children to come home and let me in."

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