Maidstone Deanery Synod Meeting
held at 7.30pm  on 9 February 2006
at Christ Church Parkwood

1        Welcome & Opening Worship

The Lay Chairman welcomed members to the meeting, and one minutes silence was held in memory of the Revd Clive Tompkins. Worship was lead by members of Christ Church Parkwood, with Michael Mc Laughlin commenting on John 16:1-15.

2        Apologies for Absence

                        11 members of the House of Clergy, and 16 members of the House of Laity were recorded as being present. Apologies had been received from 4 members of the House of Clergy and 4 from the House of Laity.

3        Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the last meeting held on the 12 October 2005 were agreed and signed as a correct record.

4        Matters arising from the Minutes         

2. Women in the Episcopate.

The Chairman confirmed to the Revd Michael McLaughlin that Parishes would have the opportunity to debate this later.

10 Social Evening

The Revd Robin Williamson thanked Lionel Marchant and All Saints Maidstone for kindly hosting a very enjoyable Social Evening on the 11 November.

5        Deanery Mission Plan – Update

a)   General Discussion on Parish Initiatives

      The Chairman invited representatives from parishes to say what new initiatives were takingplace:

All Saints with St Phillip, Maidstone and St Stephen Tovil

Godly Play was being introduced, and some Taise Worship had been held at a service at St Phillip’s which had received a fair response.

St Andrew’s

                                 The weekly Sunday children’s activities had been suspended due to low numbers, but a new meeting for children “Wayfarers” had been introducedonce a month on the 3rd Sunday for 2 hours. This has small beginnings, butseems firmly established.

St Faith’s

The Junior Church Club has restarted twice a term for 20 children on a Saturday morning, and there is now a Youth Club with 26 on the books. Both are happily resourced.

St Luke’s

                  Euphoria Lounge – a midweek coffee bar for the 18 to 30 age range re-launched in the autumn, and is a place where people can enjoy a social time and meet friends. Elevate for the 11-15s is a fortnightly event on Sunday evenings for about two hours and seems to be much enjoyed. A Children’s Holiday Club is being held for 2 days during half term, for the first time for many years.

St Martin’s

                  Godly Play has been introduced; a Musical Director and small choir have recently been established, and the parish are in touch with up to 100 children.

St Paul’s

                  A Mind Body and Spirit day was held recently; the Non Stipendiary Curate is visiting Baptism Families and hoping to be able to start a Parenting Course soon.

St Nicholas

                  New House Groups are becoming established: the Rector, Jim Perryman would be keen to learn of any House Groups run by other churches in the Allington Parish that it may be possible for St Nicholas members to integrate into. The Hosanna Service on Sundays is being built up and the mid week Hosanna which started small has now grown to 15- 20 children plus parents who are new to church. Jim Perryman commented that it was enjoyable but exhausting. There are some after School Clubs, and the Holiday Club “Story Keepers” is running again at Easter. St Nicholas appeared in the parish over St Nicholas tide, and a competition for school children drew 300 entries.

Hospital Chaplains

                  The Day Nursery attached to the hospital enjoyed a Nativity experience; there are volunteers working alongside Accident and Emergency making cups of tea; and at 12 noon every Wednesday prayers are held for 20 minutes for staff – anyone is welcome to join in.

Christ Church Parkwood

                  Details are included in the Parish Report which came later in the meeting.

All Saints Loose and St Michael’s

                  No report was given as representatives were absent.

The Chairman invited Parishes to continue meeting and discussing these initiatives within their clusters.

5b. Deanery Initiatives report and 5c. Pastoral Plans Report.

These reports by the Area Dean were read by the Chairman as the Area Dean was absent attending General Synod. Copies of the reports are attached to the file copy of these minutes.

5d. Fremlins Chaplaincy

The Revd Ian Crofts in giving his report said that representatives of Maidstone Baptist Church, the United Reform Church, Manna and St Faith’s had been meeting for some time to consider the possibility of establishing some form of Ecumenical Chaplaincy in the Fremlins Walk Shopping Centre. Ian distributed copies of an explanatory leaflet (a copy is attached to the file copy of these minutes) and said that the group had visited Portsmouth where a similar successful chaplaincy had already been established. It was envisaged that volunteer chaplains would visit on say Thursday afternoons, each having a distinct area, seeking to have a brief chat with staff. They would obviously not interrupt if they were busy with customers, but he had been surprised that in Portsmouth some considerable in depth sharing had taken place. Applications were invited form churches from those interested in becoming chaplains: they were of course not limited to those from the four churches. Active recruitment was taking place at the moment- he had application forms for anyone interested. He confirmed that suitable training would be given.

5e. Nightclub Chaplaincy

Diana Greenfield, Nightclub Chaplain opened her report by confirming that the Church Army took over responsibility 6 months ago for employing her as the Diocesan funding had been withdrawn. She would welcome sponsorship from any churches or individuals. Diana added that she had sent two copies of a circular letter to all clergy in November and asked Synod whether members were aware of it. A newsletter was produced quarterly.

Diana is keen to continue to train volunteers to work with her. There is a small management committee which includes the Area Dean. In answer to a question from Anne McVittie from St Faith’s, Diana Confirmed that she currently has two volunteers and two more are in training with a further two enquiries. It is however not something everyone can do: you get back home at 3am! Another member asked whether young people were willing to talk to a chaplain and Dianna confirmed that they were – many were spiritually aware but they did not always find it easy to articulate this. Dianna concluded her report by saying that she was very willing to come and talk to churches; there was also a DVD which they could borrow. She circulated a sheet for those to sign if they were interested.

5f. Email

The Chairman said that to reduce the cost of postage the Standing Committee had recommended that members who wished to have their Synod papers sent by Email should have them by that means. A sheet was circulated for members to give details.

6.Churches Together Report

The Revd Ian Crofts opened his report by saying that two Advent Services had demonstrated the variety of Churches Together activities, and the way we can learn from each other. Each 1st Sunday in the month an act of worship was held in a different church, and on Maundy Thursday a Holy Communion Service was held – (this year in St Faith’s) and the Good Friday Procession, (sometimes complete with Fr Paul’s donkeys) was well established, starting at the Baptist Church and ending with a short form of worship in the town centre.

At Pentecost there would be a celebration service in Brenchley Gardens. (Ian concluded his report by asking us to pray for the student’s mission currently going on at Guildford University.)

7.Parish Report from Christchurch Parkwood

In giving his report (A copy of which is attached to the file copy of these minutes) the Revd Michael McLaughlin said that the last Synod at Christchurch appeared to be in October 2002: he was pleased we had returned. Worship at Christchurchwas mixed with an equal number of Eucharistic and non Eucharistic Services. There was no longer an evening service, but there was a link with the Willington Street Fellowship which meets once a month nearby on a Sunday evening.

Children’s ministry continues to be challenging: the first Sunday in the month service now starts with a presentation by the Superkids club, before they return to their club and the others continue with Morning Prayer. They are privileged to have a lively group of musicians who lead worship, with a couple coming from St Luke’s once a month to give the others a break. Children’s holiday clubs are held with a reasonable amount of success, and the last one, in a new format with 2 full days rather than 4 half days seemed particularly successful. Three Home Groups meet, one which arose from a previous Alpha Course. Most of the Church attends the Dealing Conference in August using the eight caravans owned by the church. (The caravans are available to the wider church if needed.)

Meeting Point Open Coffee Morning meets every Wednesday followed by a simple lunch for anyone in the community, but mostly supported by church members, and there is a Church lunch after the service on the 1st Sunday of each month.

Within the community the Church runs a mother and Toddler Group weekly and continues to be involved in Parkwood Plus community living initiative and the Healthy Living Centre at the Parkwood Shopping Parade. Michael serves on the executive Committee of this. He is also involved with the Park Wood voluntary Youth Club which is very challenging. The church employs 2 part time youth workers for the club funded from different grants and donations. The local community are welcomed with leaflet drops to Christmas and Easter lunches Harvest Suppers, Fireworks and Quiz evenings. There is an Alpha course which is going well. The premises are used by the community for various activities during the week, and although some grants may be available there are substantial financial challenges ahead.

In conclusion Michael said that their vision was to provide a loving accepting and welcoming fellowship of Christ’s people reaching out into the community with God’s love; and seeking to get across the Good News of Jesus in Word and action, in a relevant and meaningful way, seeking to work with Him rather than working for Him.

8.Treasurer’s Report

In the absence of the Treasurer there was no report as such, but the Chairman said that there was approximately £3,000 in the Current Account and £5,000in the Deposit account.

9. Diocesan Synod Report

The Revd Robin Williamson in giving a brief report said that the last Diocesan Synod had concentrated on Youth Work in the Diocese, both in Church Schoolsand Churches and had been tremendously encouraging. In a time when some gave the impression that the church was dying and only for the elderly, there was clearly much going on in many places involving young people, some of it really exciting and full of life.

10Area Dean’s Notices

There were none.

11.Any Other Relevant Business

The Revd Brian Field said that he had been present in the gallery at General Synod that afternoon when our Area Dean had spoken powerfully to a full chamber on one on the amendments to the Women in the Episcopate Bill. He with others had recently witnessed her being made an Honorary Canon, at Canterbury Cathedral in a moving service and she was to be congratulated.

12.Closing Prayer

The meeting concluded at 8.40pm with the Grace.

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