Smile Lines

Little old lady seeks handsome young man

An advert appeared in a student newspaper of a university:  “Sweet little old lady wishes to correspond with good-looking university student – six-footer with brown eyes wanted, answering to initials J.A.D.  Signed: his mother

Paradise lost?

Said a frustrated young mother as she stood in the kitchen and watched her baby screaming, her sons fighting, her daughter crying, the washing machine leaking, the dog being sick, and general mess everywhere around the house:  “I sometimes wish I’d loved and lost.”


After a very long and boring sermon the parishioners filed out of the church saying nothing to the preacher. Towards the end of the line was a thoughtful person who always commented on the sermons. "Pastor, today your sermon reminded me of the peace and love of God."

The pastor was thrilled. "Nobody has ever said anything like that about my preaching before. Tell me why."

"Because it endured forever.”

Knock knock

A conscientious minister decided to get acquainted with a new family in his congregation and visited them one spring evening.  After his knock on the door, a lilting voice from within called out, “Is that you, Angel?”

“No,” replied the minister.  “But I’m from the same department.”

Dressed up

An evangelical vicar was asked to celebrate Holy Communion for his Anglo-catholic neighbour who was sick.  Unfamiliar with some of the vestments, he did the best he could.  Breakfasting at the vicarage afterwards he said to the vicar’s wife that he hoped he had got all the vestments on properly.  “Oh yes, you were quite all right – except that my husband does not usually wear the book-markers!”


The most welcome guest is the one who knows when to go home.


A filing cabinet is a place where you can lose things systematically.

Switched on

A housewife was helping her aged mother get up the stairs on the new electric stair lift when the minister telephoned her.  He was horrified to hear her say:  “I’m so sorry, but I’ll have to ring you back.  I can’t talk right now because I’ve got Mother in the electric chair and she’s just waiting for me to press the switch!”

On offer

A bishop, invited to a ‘country’ dinner was surprised not to be offered anything to drink and eventually appealed to his very beautiful hostess:  “Do you think I might have a drop of wine?” 

The lady threw up her hands in horror and replied; “Bishop, I am so sorry!  I thought you were Chair of the Church of England Temperance Society.”

“Not at all,” said the bishop, adding “but I am Chair of the Anti-Porn campaign.”

“Oh!” came the reply.  “I knew there was something I could not offer you.”


If you think the problem is bad now, just wait until we have solved it.  (Arthur Kasspe)


Two choir members recently got married.  They met by chants. 


I know a teen-age girl who has been trying to run away from home for a year, but every time she gets to the front door the phone rings.


Basically my wife was immature.  I’d be home in my bath and she’d come in and sink my boats.  (Woody Allen)


Notice in a cemetery:  Any day above ground is a good one.

From a parish newsletter:  

‘Children are normally collected during the Offertory Hymn’


A saint is a dead clergyman.


It is not always easy to say the right thing on the spur of the moment.  We can sympathise with the chap who met an old friend after many years.  “And how’s your dear wife?” he asked warmly.

“She’s in heaven,” replied the friend.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” stammered the chap.  Then realising this was not the thing to say, he stammered:  “I mean, I’m glad.”  That seemed even worse, so he tried again.  “Well, what I really mean is, I’m surprised.”


I got a package envelope in the mail the other day that had written on the front, "Photographs: Do Not Bend."

Underneath the postman had written: "Oh, yes they do.”

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