Voting again

May 5th is to be the day we vote for our County Councillors and I suspect for our Members of Parliament. While we may rightly be proud that we have the ability to vote in fair elections and live in a relatively liberal (in freedom terms) state; many may share my unhappiness with both the media reporting of political matters and the behaviour of many in important positions in our public life of all parties. Sometimes it seems that leaders with more integrity are less effective leaders in ruling our nation; particularly in terms of the two main tasks of government namely negotiating our relationships, including economic relationships, with foreign states and in ensuring that our civil service efficiently administer government policies.

I am convinced that whatever doubts we made have about our politicians it is vital that we all vote and use election time as one in which we can as occasion allows engage in discussion with our local candidates. I suspect many of us will consider that they prefer this policy of party A, this of party B, and this of party C, while being more impressed with the overall approach and style of party D. From this we might think about which issues are more important and decide to vote for party X. Or we might have to consider our judgements of particular candidates. I certainly think that some of our local candidates (of all parties) are much more attentive local members, involved with and aware of local concerns that other of our local members (of all parties). So perhaps we should choose the candidate we think will better represent local concerns.

It is inevitable that different persons will have different views about political matters. I do believe that almost all political matters today are very complicated. I greatly prefer them to be decided after good research and quality debates by representatives rather than by referenda or government whipping. I wish we had better access to quality research and good understandings. Just to give one example. One party is complaining about the number of extra administrators in the NHS. When in hospital my impression was that the ward clerk (a relatively new post) saved the doctors and nurses time so they could better concentrate on using their skills directly rather than looking for papers or filing them. Is my impression correct? We need some independent more objective way of helping us decide between the claims and counter claims of the political parties and it is here I think our media

As Christians we are to act responsibility with a view to God's ways and values. This will among other things require us to think, inform ourselves and pray about these matters as well as pressing for more integrity in our political discussion and more effectiveness by governments local and national.

Christopher Morgan-Jones

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