Service Music for April 2006 Sunday 2nd April Passion Sunday 9.30am PARISH EUCHARIST Choir 9.00am - LHM NEH: 82, 90 omit * vv, 79 Service: Aston Introit: God so loved the world Stainer Agnus Dei: The Short Service Gibbons Communion Motets: In the departure of the Lord Bull
Sunday 9th April Palm Sunday 9.30am CHORAL EUCHARIST Choir 9.00am - LHM Special Service Booklet Service: Darke in F Introit: Hosanna to the son of David Forrester Anthem: Drop, drop slow tears Gibbons Communion Motets: Praise to thee Lord Jesus Schutz
3.30pm THE CRUCIFIXION John Stainer Choir 2.30pm - LHM
Thursday 13th April Maundy Thursday 7.30pm CHORAL EUCHARIST Choir 7.00pm - LHM Hymns: 334 arr. Vaughan Williams, 304, 513, 302, 268 Service: Sumsion in F Anthem: Wash me thoroughly Wesley Communion Motet: Of the Glorious Body Victoria Psalm 22 plainsong
Friday 14th April Good Friday 1.30pm LITURGY OF THE DAY Choir 1.00pm - LHM Hymns: NEH 86 omit *, 94, 95, 517 Kyrie: Darke in F Anthem: O Vos Omnes Victoria The Reproaches Victoria Agnus Dei: Wood in the Phrygian Mode Communion Motet: We adore thee Lord Jesus Palestrina
Saturday 15th April Holy Saturday 7.30pm THE EASTER LITURGY and PARISH EUCHARIST Choir 7.00pm - LHM NEH: 368, 120, 104, 110 Service: Thorne Anthem: Jubilate Deo in F Ireland Agnus Dei: Gibbons Communion Motet: This joyful Eastertide arr. Wood
Sunday 16th April Easter Day 9.30am CHORAL EUCHARIST Choir 9.00am - LHM Special Service Booklet Service: Ireland in C Communion Motets: Sacerdotes Domini Byrd The Easter Anthems Chant
3.15pm CHORAL EVENSONG Choir 2.45pm - BJM Hymns: 101 omit * vv, 119, 113 Introit: This is the day Anon Responses: Clucas Psalm 118 Canticles: Stanford in C Anthem: Blessed be the God
Sunday 23rd April Easter 1 9.30am PARISH EUCHARIST No choir - LHM Hymns: 106, 173, 117, 123 Service: Thorne
Sunday 30th April Easter 2 10.00am Joint Service at St. Philip’s
6.30pm CHORAL EVENSONG Choir 6.00pm – BJM Hymns: 164, 464, 107 Responses: Ayleward Psalm 25 Canticles: Sumsion in A Anthem: How beauteous are their feet Stanford