Philip's Church Centre at Present The
Revd.Canon Christopher Morgan-Jones, (Chairman) The Revd.
Priscilla Doe, Mrs Elizabeth Bussmann and 59
parishioners. Apologies Apologies
were received from John Fowler, Jeffrey Foxley,
Chrisopher Payne Richard Ratcliffe, Mary Shaw, William
Taylor, and Evelyn Waghorn The
Meeting started with a reading and prayers led by The
Revd Canon Christopher Morgan-Jones Minutes The
Minutes of the Annual Parochial Church Meeting held on 2.
Elections (a)
Deanery There were
no deanery elections this year (b)Parochial
Church Council The
Revd.Canon Christopher Morgan-Jones informed the meeting
of one vacancy for All Saints, three vacancies for St
Philips and one place for St Stephens. There were
no nominations for All Saints so Mr Brian Neaves was
nominated from the floor and there being no further
nominations was duly elected to the Parochial Church
Council As Mr
Stephen Rose has tendered his resignation to the
Parochial Church Council and Mrs Denise Joy is now a
Deputy Churchwarden there are three places on the
Parochial Church Council. Mr Clive Lever, Mrs Diane
Daniels and Mrs Daphne Holland had been nominated .
As there were two places for three years and one for two
years an election took place with Mr Clive Lever and Mrs
Daphne Holland being elected for three years and Mrs
Diane Daniels for two years. These people
were duly elected to the Parochial Church Council. There were
two nominations for St Stephens Mr John Penfold and Mr
Jeffrey Farley. An election was held and Mr
Jeffrey Farley was duly elected to the Parochial
Church Council Sidespersons (i)
All Saints: Mr Brian Neaves thanked the Sidespersons for
their support, for arriving early on Sunday mornings and
for welcoming the members of the congregation. He said that
Sidespersons are very important as they are often the
first to greet new people. He then proposed a list
of members of the congregation who had offered their
services under the Time and Talents renewal for All
Saints. This proposal was seconded by Mr. Richard Sibley.
The persons named were duly elected for the coming year.
St. Philips: Mrs Barbara Cook also thanked all the
Sidespersons at St. Philips and agreed with all
that Brian had said. She proposed a list of members
of the congregation who had offered their services under
the Time and Talents renewal for St Philips. This
proposal was seconded by Mrs Denise Joy. The persons
named were duly elected for the coming year. 3
Presentation of the Annual Accounts by the Parish
Treasurer In the
absence of the Treasurer Mr Lionel Marchant presented the
Accounts for the year ending Mr
Christopher Payne in his report thanked MRI Spain
Brothers, Sittingbourne for their work this year in
carrying out the Audit. The
acceptance of the accounts was proposed by Mr Richard
Sibley and seconded by Mr Brian Neaves. 4
Presentation of Annual Reports by the Chairman The
Chairman presented the Reports in the Annual Reports and
Accounts and asked if there were any questions. Mr Richard
Sibley proposed the acceptance of the Annual Reports and
was seconded by Mr Brian Neaves. Mr Lionel Marchant
was thanked for his preparation of the booklets. 5
Appointment of Auditor Mr Lionel
Marchant proposed the Auditor to be MRI Spain
Brothers & Co. This was seconded by Mrs Mollie
Neaves. 6.
Return of Church Membership The Revd.
Canon Christopher Morgan-Jones proposed the return of the
Electoral Roll as in the Annual Report and Accounts 2003
booklet . This being :- All Saints resident 33
Non-resident 54 making a total of 87 St.
Philip resident 59 Non-resident 19 making a total of 78
St Stephens resident 10 Non-resident 4 making a
total of 15. The total number on Electoral Roll is 179
He thanked Dr. Brian Shaw for his work as Electoral Roll
Officer who is standing down from this roll. Seconded by
Mrs. Mollie Neaves. 7.
Vicars Report The Revd
Canon Christopher Morgan-Jones commenced his report by
stating that the Christian Gospel is a combination
of receiving Gods love and affection and receiving
his challenge and his call and the balance is hard to
attain. He informed
the meeting that he was not happy about where we are as a
church and that where he would like us to be is just not
possible as we face vast challenges and do not have
the resources to meet them. As a parish
we have existed in isolation and links with the Deanery
and the Diocese are not good. All Saints has
received only a very limited number of visits from the
Bishop and Archdeacon over the past year. The Revd.
Christopher Morgan-Jones highlighted the good things that
have been achieved over the past year:- (a)
The increase in our giving (b)
The restoration of the north aisle at All Saint (c)
The life and education of our (d)
That All Saints during the past year has had a good feel
to it. He informed
the meeting of the very many matters clambering for his
attention and his inability to do them all justice.
He was also concerned about the building of so many
houses in the area but still the lack of affordable
housing and open spaces highlighting a few areas. Finally the
Revd. Christopher Morgan-Jones thanked the large number
of people who are involved in all areas of church life
and the very valuable contribution that they make which
is very much appreciated. Although resources are
scarce he felt that many good things have been achieved
this year and that building for the future is continuing
steadily and that in a few years time parish life may be
very different. Mrs Barbara
Cook thanked the Revd Canon Christopher Morgan-Jones for
his work in the parish and for the support Kitty gives,
she also thanked The Revd. Priscilla and Roger Doe and
Mrs Elizabeth and Eddie Bussmann for their work in the
Parish. 8.
Any other relevant business Mr Roger
Doe highlighted the use being made by Charities of the
provision for bequests. He suggested that we pursue
this matter by making it known to our congregations how
to arrange for a bequest to be made to the church in the
Will of an individual. 9.
Date and time of next meeting The Revd.
Canon Christopher Morgan-Jones suggested the next Annual
Parochial Church Meeting be on Monday 25th
April at |