PCC Meeting – Monday 23rd May 2005
This is a summary of the matters discussed at the PCC meeting. Full draft minutes are available at all three churches.
After Opening Prayers and Apologies for absence the vicar advised members of the retirement of Pamela Ratcliffe as PCC Secretary. For this meeting Denise Joy offered to take the minutes.
The election of PCC Officers resulted in Mr Lionel Marchant elected as Lay Vice Chairman, Mr Christopher Payne as Treasurer and Mr Michael Hocking as Electoral Roll Officer. Miss Elizabeth Askew was confirmed as Treasurer of St. Philip’s Church and Centre Committee and Mr Keith Sharp as All Saints and St. Philip’s Journal Treasurer.
Mrs Denise Joy and Mr John Fowler were co-opted to the PCC.
The Treasurer presented accounts to the 31st March 2005 which showed a deficit of £11199 – a reduction of £1200 at the same time in 2004. The result of the financial aspect of the Stewardship Renewal Campaign was presented indicating an increase in All Saints giving of £4000 but a decrease of £4000 at St. Philip’s. Not all cards had been returned and so the final projection may change the figures presented.
The Treasurer will investigate alternative suppliers of gas and electricity at both churches.
Other financial matters included the refunding of bank charges, confirmation that our bank standing order to the diocese in payment of our parish share ad been increased to £1000 per month, confirmation from the Diocesan Accountant that in future our Annual Accounts could be provided to the APCM in abbreviated form and confirmation that an insurance policy should be taken out on the parish photocopier to cover parts and labour.
Tenders are being sought for the renovation of the south aisle roof in All Saints being with the south choir aisle. This will involve erecting protection for the organ. Following the acquisition of new chairs at All Saints the distribution of the redundant chairs was discussed.
At St. Philip’s a number of housekeeping issues at the Centre need to be resolved.
Considerable discussion took place following the first meeting of the Deanery Pastoral Group and the Bishop’s Meeting at St. Paul’s Boxley Road.
It was reported that at the recent Diocesan Synod meeting it was agreed that the Diocese should be a ‘Fairtrade’ Diocese and every organisation and individual would be encouraged to buy Fairtrade products. The Diocesan Synod had also received a presentation on ‘Women in the Episcopate’ a subject that will take a great deal of time and debate for some time to come.
Lionel Marchant