

Are you sinking in debt?  Some communication is needed…!

I am so thankful …

12 Reasons to live with a dog instead of a woman

Real Nappy Week:  20 – 26 June

Local Food

Everything I need to know… I learned from Noah’s Ark


Are you sinking in debt?  Some communication is needed…!


Communication is always essential to resolve issues, but this is especially true when it comes to debt as there are so many issues that have to be addressed.


Different groups also need talking to. These may include:


Yourself! This may sound strange but the reality is that many people have no idea how much they owe. They may be aware of the creditor who is currently hassling them for payment, but they have no idea what other debts they have. In all likelihood they may well owe money in a dozen or more places.  Last year we saw an average unsecured debt from callers of over £26,800.


Your partner. This is also very difficult, as men and women speak a different language. For example, my wife Sue recently asked me to put the rubbish out and I replied “yes”. What she meant was put the rubbish out NOW and what I meant was after I’d read the paper and watched the football then I probably would!


It is especially difficult to tell your partner something you know they don’t want to hear. But the longer it is left, the harder it becomes to do. In addition the uninformed partner invariably finds out and then it becomes no longer a matter of debt but a matter of trust. This is why Credit Action is currently working with Relate as money problems invariably lead to serious relationship issues


Your creditors. It is no good putting your head in the sand when debts arise. The longer they are left the more interest they will incur and the harder it will be to resolve. If an issue like illness or redundancy has taken place then there are things that creditors can do to help. But they cannot be sympathetic to your cause if they have no idea what your problem is.


Benefits Agency\ Tax Office etc. Depending on circumstance, it may well be important to talk to these groups to ensure that all the right benefits and tax relief are being applied

It is essential to seek advice from a free debt counselling agency as soon as possible.


Lastly, but from a Christian point of view most importantly, pray to God about it. He loves us and is keenly interested in every aspect of our lives. If we are at peace with him and listening for his still small voice we can be assured that we are on the way to resolving these issues.


I am so thankful …


For the wife who says ‘It’s sausages and mash tonight’,

because she is at home with me, and not out with someone else.


For the husband who is on the sofa being a couch potato,

because he is at home with me, and not out in the pubs.


For my teenage daughter who is complaining about doing dishes,

because it means she is at home, and not on the streets.


For the taxes I pay,

because it means I am employed.


For the mess to clean after a party,

because it means I have been surrounded by friends.


For the clothes that fit a little too snug,

because it means I have enough to eat.


For my shadow that watches me work,

because it means I am out in the sunshine.


For a lawn that needs mowing, windows that need cleaning, and gutters that overflow,

because it means I have a home.


For all the complaining I hear about the Government,

because it means we have freedom of speech.


For the parking space at the very far end of the car park,

because it means I am capable of walking, and have been blessed with transportation.


For my huge heating bill,

because it means I am warm


For the lady behind me in church who sings off-key,

because it means I can hear


For the pile of laundry and ironing I’ve got,

because it means I have clothes to wear


For weariness and aching muscles at the end of the day,

because it means I have been capable of working hard.


And finally – for too much email,

because it means I am not forgotten by other people


12 Reasons to live with a dog instead of a woman


1.         Dogs love it when your friends come over.

2.         Dogs don’t expect you to call when you’re running late.

3.         Dogs will forgive you for playing with other dogs.

4.         Dogs don’t mind if you give their offspring away.

5           Dogs like it when you leave lots of things on the floor.

6.         A dog’s parents never visit.

7.         Dogs understand that instincts are better than asking directions.

8.         Dogs don’t hate their own bodies.

9.         Dogs agree that you have to raise your voice to get your point across.

10.       Dogs would rather have hamburger than lobster for dinner

11.       You never have to wait for a dog.  They’re ready to go 24 hours a day.

12.       Dogs find you amusing when you’ve had too much to drink.


Real Nappy Week:  20 – 26 June


These days everything seems to have a week of its own – now even nappies have one. 


Real Nappy Week is run with the aim of encouraging parents to consider using real nappies on their babies, instead of single-use disposables.  For example, did you know:  -


COST:  You can kit out your baby in real nappies on the high street for under £50. This includes all the nappies and waterproof covers you need for the whole of your baby's nappy wearing life. The same amount of money would only buy nine weeks of disposables.


HEALTH:  Disposable nappies are made of super-absorbent chemicals, paper pulp, plastics and adhesives, while real nappies are mostly made of natural fabrics.


WASTE:  Nearly eight million nappies are thrown away every day in the UK.  Nearly three billion nappies are thrown away in the UK every year. The vast majority of these (90%) end up in landfill.  We do not know how long it takes for the plastics in disposable nappies to decompose but it could take hundreds of years.


With a nappy disposal cost to each local authority in hundreds of thousands of pounds per year (e.g. Nottinghamshire Council estimates over £1 million per year) it is not surprising that nappy schemes now play a key role in local authorities' waste strategies.


Real Nappy Week is funded by WRAP (the Waste & Resources Action Programme) and co-ordinated by Women’s Environmental Network (WEN).  There are a number of national, regional and local activities. For further details on Real Nappy Week 2005, visit or call the Real Nappy Helpline on 0845 850 0606.


Local Food


If more people bought and consumed more local and more organic produce, and if their journeys to and from food shops were make on a bus, by bike or on foot rather than in a car, there would be more than £4bn in environmental savings to the British economy. 


This is the principal claim of a new study of the environmental impact of our weekly shop conducted jointly by the University of Essex and City University.


The reports claims also that if all farms in the UK were to turn organic, then environmental costs would fall from £1.5bn to less than £400m, saving the country £1.1bn annually.  If all food were sourced from within 20km of where it was consumed, environmental and congestion costs would fall from more than £2.3bn to under £230m, a further saving of £2.1bn


Everything I need to know… I learned from Noah’s Ark


1. Don’t miss the boat

2. Remember that we are all in the same boat.

3. Plan ahead. It wasn’t raining when Noah built the Ark

4. Stay fit.  When you’re 600 years old Someone may ask you to do something really big

5.  Don’t listen to critics.  Just get on with the job needing to be done.

6.  Build your future on high ground.

7.  For safety’s sake, travel in pairs.

8.  Speed isn’t always an advantage. The snails were on board with the cheetahs.

9.  When you’re stressed, float awhile.

10.  No matter the storm, when you are with God, there’s always a rainbow waiting.

                                                                                                            Author unknown


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