Pennies from Heaven


            ‘Every time it rains, it rains

                        pennies from heaven,

            Don’t you know each cloud contains

                        Pennies from heaven,’


And so it was at Mary and Brian Shaw’s Summer Lunch on July 24th.The heavens opened , and by the end of the afternoon, All Saints Restoration Fund was richer by many pennies, £218.50 to be exact.  


But, as with all truly successful occasions, the welcome money is secondary. The real riches were in the traditionally delicious food and equally delicious company enjoyed. There were neither sins of omission for no dish remained untasted, nor sins of commission in the form of spillages. Arms did not have to be twisted to take a little more wine……….just to check, you understand…….or to take part in the raffle. The bottle of wine went to a good home.


As if on cue, as we drank coffee, the rain stopped and the sun came out so that we might admire the garden. The rain had indeed given a bonus, for the garden, now devoid of the comfortably-occupied chairs of previous years, could be totally explored. There are still no weeds to report.


Thank you, Mary and Brian, for your organisation and hard work; thank you for your hospitality and for being such genial hosts. Your efforts on, and towards the day are sincerely appreciated by all.



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