The Road to Reconciliation

Vicar's letter

I write this the day after hearing Daniel Barenboim conduct the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra at the Proms in a concert of music by Mozart, Beethoven and Schubert. This consists of roughly equal number of Israeli and Arab musicians aged between 13 and 26 orchestra, who for the past five years have gathered on neutral ground, to make music. The music is the important thing. Any conversations, new understandings, relationships established, and of course these things inevitably happen, are a bonus.

Given Daniel Barenboim's passion for music and the great talents of the orchestra, the concert was very good. There was no special sound, no distinctive element, it was a group of young people open to a distinguished and knowledgeable conductor who interpreted these scores in the light of all he knew about life and music and these composers.

The Anglican Communion, the Church of England appears to be threatened by divisions, fortunately nowhere on the scale of  the Israeli Arab conflicts. It does seem to me that its divisions are about essentially second order matters which alas are inflated by the dominant values of  the commercial and media world around us which mistakenly seem to consider that anything to do with sexuality is the most important of all.

At the last Lambeth Conference a resolution was passed asking every province of the Anglican Communion to contribute 0.7 % of its income to international aid. this has hardly reached anyone's consciousness unlike the resolution on human sexuality.

When there are divisions in an organisation the important thing is to focus on the heart of the purpose of that organisation. For the orchestra that is making music. For the Church it is worshipping God so that we help persons closer to Jesus, we help those in need, we seek justice both for those presently alive and for future generations. 'Seek ye first the
kingdom of God ' says Jesus in the sermon on the mount in St Matthew's gospel.  Let us all strive to do the same.

Christopher Morgan-Jones

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