Restoration Fund-raising at All Saints
As many of you already know we are now
raising the £200,000 needed to restore the roof of the South Aisle.
English Heritage have received our application for funding but if we
are successful they only give us part of the money. We do not expect
their reply to come quickly and therefore in July we have managed to
raise £1550.
We raised most of this on the River
Festival Weekend. The three day event with the Art Show raised
£1180. The sunshine and outside heat brought hundreds of people into
the church and cream teas and refreshments sold very well. 188
people went up the Tower, nearly double the number in 2005. We are
very grateful to the Bellringers for keeping the Tower open and to
all who helped in any way with the refreshments.
The Summer Draw brought in £550 which
is included in the River Festival total. Thanks for selling the
tickets and to those who donated prizes. We will be continuing to
make the River Festival Weekend a major fund raising event so please
remember the last weekend in July 2007 when you get your new
diaries. It is hard work and the more the merrier as we have people
who come in year after year for our refreshments.
The Summer Lunch in Ditton raised £220.
This year the sun shone and after lunch some even took to paddling
in the stream.
Everyone enjoyed the day and Mary is
very grateful to all those who came and especially to those who paid
and brought one of the dishes.
The Saturday Market has remained open
all summer and the grand total raised since it opened is now £12
500. We need more staff to man it so please put your name on the
list. You will meet some lovely regulars and some interesting
visitors. We also need more bric-a-brac and modern novels, as both
sell well.
If you have any good fund-raising ideas
please let us know, we still need thousands more.
Mary Shaw
Ditton Summer Lunch