December 7th Advent 2
Malachi 3. 1 - 4, *Philippians 1. 3 - 11, Luke 3. 1 - 6
December 14th Advent 3
Zephaniah 3. 14 - 20, *Philippians 4. 4 - 7, Luke 3. 7 -
December 21st Advent 4
Micah 5. 2 - 5, *Hebrews 10. 5 - 10, Luke 1. 39 - 45
December 24th Christmas Midnight
Isaiah 9. 2 - 7, John 1. 1 - 14
December 25th Christmas Day
Titus 3. 4 - 7, Luke 2. 8 - 20
* not at St. Philips
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