All Saints Heritage Trail
We now turn left from the Chancel steps and move past the Pulpit to the North aisle. Here we find the Kent Corner.
The Kent Corner
The Association of Men of Kent and Kentish Men was founded in London in 1897. In November 1932 the first Annual Service of the Association was held in the City of London in the Church of St Andrew-by-the-Wardrobe. In 1934, a “Corner” designed by Sir Charles Nicholson was installed and dedicated by the Archbishop of Canterbury. In 1940 the Church including the Kent Corner was destroyed in the Blitz. The Corner was then established in other locations but in 1997 the Association decided that it should be re-sited in the County Church of Kent in order to be more accessible to its members. This Kent Corner was thus established in this Church and dedicated on 14 December 1997. The Association has occasional services here.
The Kent Corner
Door to the North turret
On the back left of the Kent Corner is a small door. This leads to a spiral staircase which travels up through the North Turret to the roof.
The Organ Console
In the area between the Kent Corner and the Chancel steps is the console to the main organ. This is on a moveable platform and is connected to the pipes in the South aisle electronically. Some further comment on the organ is provided shortly and very detailed information can be located on the “organ” tab of the main All Saints Church website. As the photographs show, the organ is a fine 3 manual instrument.
We will now make our way up the steps by the Kent Corner into the Holy Name Chapel.