Parish Carol Singing

…..and it NEVER rains!!!


But it is pretty dark!  Torches and lanterns were much in evidence on the first night of 2002’s Parish Carol Singing as we set off from St Philip’s Church to Lower Rd and York Rd.  They weren’t needed too much as we came back down the well-lit West Park Rd, but the singers had to sing especially hard to compete with the traffic noise.


…..and it NEVER rains!!!


But it’s always pretty cold!  And this year was no exception.  Parish Carol singing is one of those wonderful traditions which evolves and changes each year – the big change this year was the participation by children and staff from All Saints’ School on the Wednesday night which was a real pleasure for everyone involved.  14 children from Indigo Class led the way down Old Tovil Road and before long had everyone joining in with their ‘Mince Pie Calypso’.


…..and it NEVER rains!!!


But it wouldn’t matter if it did!  Because everyone is wrapped up well and ready for any weather.  And so to the last evening – from St Stephen's School.  A visit to sing for the old folk in The Haven and the Betsy Clara nursing homes and then all off to Courtney Road to marvel at the lights.


…..and it NEVER rains!!!


But there’s always a warm dry place to meet afterwards and to enjoy a hot mug of soup, a chat and a chance to help with counting the evening’s takings.  This year a magnificent £473 was raised to be shared by Save the Children and Kidscape (a charity which supports children with special needs by providing wheelchairs and other adaptations to enable them to attend mainstream schools).


This very special annual event is very much a part of the parish calendar and involves people from right across the Parish - keep an eye out for dates for 2003 which will be published in Community.  It’s a wonderful way to bring the Christmas message to homes across the Parish and remember …


…it never rains!!!


(well actually, it did one year, but that was long, long ago and it’s a story which will have to wait for a future edition of Community.)


John Fowler


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