Generosity and Offering

Vicar's letter

We human beings are fallible; most of us have very good intentions but sometimes are not so good at putting them into effect. We do better with structures to help us. We know that the more that is given to the church in terms of time, talents and money, the more the church can manage to do. Our annual stewardship review is one way of helping us to live up to our good intentions. In this respect we have to be utterly realistic. If we offer more than we can give, there is disappointment. If we offer less than we can give, important things are not done.

To help us this year, the Diocesan Stewardship Adviser is coming to our Joint Parish Eucharist at St Philip’s on Sunday 13th March at 10 am to make a presentation to help us all with these matters. During the next two weeks everyone should receive for a couple of days, a Stewardship File to consider and it will include response slips which we would ask everyone to fill in, place in a sealed envelope and place it in the file so it will come back to church to be offered at the altar on Easter Sunday.

I know some of us feel these are all hard matters but I would ask us all to consider these important matters carefully and come to the service at St Philip’s on 13th March and fill in a response form. God give so much to us; let us give realistically with his help. May God guide us and help us in this as in all things.

Christopher Morgan - Jones

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