Readings at the Eucharist

February 6th Sunday next before Lent
Exodus 24. 12-18, 2 Peter 1. 16-21, Matthew 17. 1-9

February 6th Dedication Festival at St. Philip’s
1 Kings 8. 22-30, Matthew 21. 12-16

February 9th Ash Wednesday
Joel 2. 1-2, 12-17

February 13th Lent 1
Genesis 2. 15-17; 3. 1-7 *Romans 5. 12-19, Matthew 4. 1-11

February 20th Lent 2
Genesis 12. 1-4, *Romans 4. 1-5, 13-17, John 3. 1-17

February 27th Lent 3
Exodus 17. 1-7, *Romans 5. 1-11, John 4. 5-42

March 6th Mothering Sunday
Colossians 3. 12-17, John 19. 25-27

March 13th Lent 5
Ezekiel 37. 1-14, John 11. 1-45

March 20th Palm Sunday
Philippians 2. 5-11, Mark 14. 31-15. 39

March 24th Maundy Thursday
1 Corinthians 11. 23-26, John 13. 1-17, 31-35

March 25th Good Friday
Isaiah 52. 13-53.12, Hebrews 4. 14-16, 5. 7-9, John 19. 1-42

March 26th Holy Saturday
Genesis 1. 1, 26-31, Exodus 14. 15-15. 1, Romans 6. 3-11, Mark 16. 1-8

March 27th Easter
Acts 10. 34-43, John 20. 1-10

*not at St. Philip's

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