All Saints Sound System

All Saints was one of the first churches in the area to have a sound system installed. Those whose memory goes back far enough will no doubt recall the wooden speakers attached to the nave speakers which gave service during the 1960s. The system fell into disuse until it was replaced in 1982 by a new system which at the time was ‘state of the art’.

All that remains of that system now are the two silver loudspeakers that are attached to the east end pillars of the nave. The rest of the system has over the years either broken down or been stolen!

What we have at the moment struggles to be effective especially when trying to provide sound to a church full of people. A ‘church full of people’ for All Saints means 1,000!

All Saints Restoration and Development Trust have now agreed that a completely new system should be installed that will give flexibility by the use of radio microphones, audibility by the installation of clusters speakers on six pillars and the extension of the loop system to cover the whole of the central nave.

The clusters of speakers will also project sound into the north and south aisle seats so no matter where you sit in the church sound will reach you! In addition provision will also be made for speakers in the chancel, by the organ console and in the north porch primarily for the benefit of the crèche.

The installation of the new system is scheduled to begin on Monday February 7th and will take about one week to install. The cost will be just under £9,000 (nine thousand pounds). Towards this The Friends of All Saints Maidstone have given a grant of £3,000. The balance now has to be raised by those who will benefit from the new system – our service congregations and audiences at concerts. Please help us to achieve the balance of £6,000 needed for this work. The existing system, which in 1982 cost about £1,500 has struggled on for over twenty years. We would expect no less from the new system so please help us. A Gift Aid payment would be especially useful. Please click on the link below to take you to a Gift Aid form. The form can be printed out, completed and sent in the post with your donation to the address shown.

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