Some forthcoming events

Sunday 5th March 10.00am Joint Family Eucharist at All Saints for Mothering Sunday
Sunday 6th March
10.00am Mothering Sunday Service at All Saints

Sunday 13th March 10 am Joint Family Eucharist at St Philip’s for Stewardship Presentation
Sunday 20th - Sunday 27th March Holy Week & Easter
Sunday 24th April   10 am Confirmation by the Bishop of Maidstone at All Saints
Monday 25th April   7.30 pm Annual Parochial Church Meeting at St Philip’s
Sunday 1st May 10.00am St. Philip’s Patronal Festival

Thursday 5th May    7.30 pm Ascension Day Parish Eucharist at All Saints
Monday 9th May   8 pm Archdeacon’s Visitation
Sunday 22nd May   11.30 am Civic Service at All Saints
Friday 24th June   7.30 pm Organ Recital by David Flood at All Saints
Thursday 7th July  11am VE/J Day Service at All Saints

PCC & Church Committee Meetings

Please note some of these are new dates and replace other dates given:

Thurs 3rd February   7.30 pm St Philip’s Committee at St Philip’s
Tuesday 8th March    7 pm      St Stephen’s Committee at St Stephen’s
Thursday 17th March 7.30 pm Standing Committee at Vicarage
Thursday 14th April    7.30 pm PCC at St Philip’s
Monday 25th April     7.30 pm Annual Parochial Church Meeting at St Philip’s

Monday 23rd May    7.30 pm PCC at St Stephen’s


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