Quotes of the Month

Rogation Sunday (5 May) is about asking for God's protection and blessing on our endeavours.


Pure prayers have pure blessings. - Thomas Goodwin

To spend an hour worrying on our knees is not prayer. Indeed, there are times when it is our duty, having committed a problem to God in prayer, to stop praying and to trust and to do the necessary work to arrive at a solution. - Oliver Barclay


Ascension Day is when the Church recalls the day Jesus left this earth. Here some Christian writers ponder his future second coming:


Many people will be surprised when Jesus comes again – but nobody will be mistaken. - Anon

He that rose from the clods we expect from the clouds. - Thomas Adams


Pentecost Sunday is when the Church celebrates that long-ago day in Jerusalem when God poured the Holy Spirit out upon the disciples.


A Christian may not always be conscious of the Holy Spirit's presence, but he would not even be a Christian in his absence. - John Blanchard

Before Christ sent the church into the world, he sent the Spirit into the church. The same order must be observed today. - John R W Stott

There are churches so completely out of the hands of God that if the Holy Spirit withdrew from them they wouldn't find it out for many months. - AW Tozer

The Spirit is not given to make Bible study needless, but to make it effective. - J I Packer


Here are some general Christian observations:


The real measure of a man's wealth is what he has invested in eternity.

Laughter is God's sunshine.

Everything has beauty but not everyone sees it.

It's important for parents to live the same things they teach.

Thank God for what you have, TRUST GOD for what you need.

If you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the worries of tomorrow, you have no today to be thankful for.

Happy memories never wear out... relive them as often as you want.

Patience is the ability to idle your motor when you feel like stripping your gears.

Anger is a wind which blows out the lamp of the mind. - Anon

Drink like a fish only if you drink what a fish drinks. - Anon

It is possible to be so active in the service of Christ as to forget to love him. - P T Forsyth

I will place no value on anything I have or may possess, except in relations to the kingdom of Christ. - David Livingstone

Blessed are the peacemakers; they will never be unemployed.


Finally, some general observations on life as spring gets underway:


Golf liars have one advantage over the fishing kind – they don't have to show anything to prove it.

The two agencies that redistribute great fortunes are taxation and offspring.

You can't fool all the people all the time, but most of us try.

If you would like to live a quiet, peaceful, uneventful life, you are living at the wrong time.

With the exception of world unrest, nothing breaks out in more places than an old garden hose.

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