Easter Monday Youth Group Service

Canterbury Cathedral

Over 1,000 young people took part in a wonderful day – Easter Monday at Canterbury Cathedral. We had an interesting Journey there and back by South Eastern Trains. It started with the ticket machine taking Elizabeth’s credit card! We had to get tickets on the train. It took three changes to get there!

However a wonderful day was had by all. The children met the bishops including the Archbishop and it ended with a lovely closing service. As we headed home we missed our train connection by 4 minutes so we even had a walk round Paddock Wood!!

Thank you to Elizabeth and Edie for arranging this day – hopefully Elizabethhas now retrieved her credit card!

Daphne Holland

From Jade Brown

A group of us went to Canterbury Cathedral. We had to get on three trains. When we got to Canterbury Cathedral Jake and I carried our banner up to the altar in the Welcome Service. There were so many people.

The day was an unforgettable experience. We had loads of activities to choose from. I saw where Thomas Beckett was murdered and I made badges and I went to the Pathways of Prayer. Then we had a service which was to do with poverty.

It was a great day!

Jade Brown

From Jake Brown

On the 28th of March 2005 a group of people from St. Philip’s, St. Stephen’s and All Saints went to Canterbury Cathedral.

When we got there, there was a welcoming from the bishops and the Archbishop. After the welcoming we got to choose what activities we would like to take part in. Some people did arts and crafts others went to services but I played on the giant games in the chill out café and played the self tour game which was my favourite.

In the self tour game you were given a pen and a sheet of questions. To answer the questions you had to say what part of the cathedral it’s at e.g. where was Thomas Beckett murdered. Next we had lunch and just looked around the cathedral which was huge. To finish the brilliant day we had a service and we even got a picture with the Archbishop.

Jake Brown

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