Good Friday Children’s Club

What a wonderful day with 58 children and over 20 adults to help. A beautiful altar cloth was weaved by all the children. Brian played music that we all sang to. He kept us well entertained.

After packed lunch games were played outside on the church lawns. The children all went home happy with Egyptian headdresses and Moses in baskets.

Many thank to all who helped make the day special for the children.

Daphne Holland

From Jade Brown

The Good Friday Children’s Club was filled with fun things to do. We had Moses in the basket, we sang lots of songs, made Egyptian hats, made baby Moses in a basket (which was a jelly baby on a biscuit with icing as the blanket). We also did some weaving for the altar cloth which looked great! We had a jelly baby hunt and played with a parachute.

It was great – thanks to all the helpers.

Jade Brown

From Jake Brown

On Good Friday at St. Philip’s church there was a child’s fun filled activity day which involved food making. We made a food called Moses in a bed which was simple but tasty. We also had a weaving session to symbolise Moses’s weaved basket. We weaved coloured ribbon onto a big tablecloth which on Sunday was placed on the altar.

Then we went jelly baby hunting and parachute games outside, which was a time for children to run about and do what they want. Next we went indoors and made Egyptian Pharaoh hats.

To finish the day off we sang some songs. The theme of the day was Moses.

Jake Brown

From Emily Payne

On Good Friday overt 50 children came to the 'Children’s Good Friday 3 Hours' where everyone had great fun.

First of all we made 'Moses in a Bed' from biscuits, a jelly baby and marzipan, once all the children had finished they made King Herod head dresses which were very good.

After lunch adults and children went into Collis Field where we played with the parachute. Throughout the day children were taking it in turns to contribute to the making of a weaved altar cloth which was admired by the congregation on Easter Sunday.

On behalf of the children who came on Friday i would like to thank all the helpers who gave up their time.

Emily Payne

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