
St. Philip’s Church 1857 – 2007

(Celebrating 150 years)

Help is needed to organise the forthcoming 150 year celebrations of ST. Philip’s Church in 2007. Anyone who has information or recollections of past events held at the church should contact Barbara Cook on 01622 671782. With our help we can plan a successful year of celebration.

On the morning of 1st May 1857 the Mayor, Corporation and Clergy assembled in the Town Hall and, with some of the principal inhabitants of the town, formed a procession to All Saints Church where prayers and the Communion service took place.

After the service the procession reformed and, led by the Inspector of Police and augmented by the boys and girls of the Bluecoat and All Saints National School, proceeded along Knightrider Street, Mote Road and Kingsley Road to the site of the new building. Here a short service took place and then the architect, John Whichcord Jnr. Explained the contents of a sealed bottle to be deposited within the ‘corner stone’. The bottle contained all the silver and copper coins of the realm, a plan of the town and a roll of vellum with a long inscription listing those involved. The Earl of Romney then formally laid the stone. An address by the Revd. D.D. Stewart followed after which the National Anthem was sung and the assembly went to the parsonage for luncheon, the ladies were entertained at the Priory by Captain and Mrs Scot, the children returned to their schools to be treated with plum cake and the workmen were given a good dinner.



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