News from St Petrifieds

Absolution on the Internet

Greetings once more from St Petrifieds. It seems that everywhere one goes and everything one does these days revolves around one subject. On television, in newspapers, even in the Snare and Ferret, the only topic of conversation seems to be 'The Internet'.

Everyone speaks so knowledgeably about Broadband, Service Providers, Spam, Modems and various other mystifying subjects that I feel completely left out.

Don't get me wrong, I am not a Luddite. I have willingly embraced modern technology and am well versed in the operation of many modern devices. I can drive a car, operate the toaster, switch on the television and, with the help of my neighbours' six year old, can even use a video recorder (although only in playback mode I admit). Yes, I can safely say that technology and I are comfortable bedfellows, but this Internet thing is beyond me.

The only things I know about computers is that they are very heavy to carry upstairs and they keep getting my gas bill wrong. Rev Keen, however, is an absolute whiz when it comes to these matters; so when he announced that he was intending to run an 'Internet for the Terminally Stupid' course, I willingly signed up.

The following Wednesday, I joined the major, Miss Prim and several other Internet illiterates in the church hall for the first lesson: 'All About Spam'. I was looking forward to this, as I am particularly fond of Spam Fritters, especially with chips and beans. Perhaps the curate has some new recipes, I thought, but was disappointed to find that Spam is just a term for junk email. However the evening was jolly interesting, even though I hadn't a clue what the curate was talking about.

At the end of the evening Rev Keen excitedly informed us that he had set up an Internet Church along with an acquaintance of his, the Rev Willoughby 'Mouse mat' Byte. The church would, in exchange for a small donation towards the upkeep of the site, encourage sinners to log on, confess and repent. The web-site would be going live in a few days time.

Over the next few days, the curate busied himself getting on-line (notice how I'm starting to use the jargon). After the following week's lesson, 'Broadband for Narrow Minds', he informed us that the web-site was up and running. After a quiet start, the site was starting to get busy and he had been up until 2am the previous night dispensing electronic forgiveness.

As the days went by the site remained busy and Rev Keen spent many long hours at the computer.  However at 3am one morning he received a visit from Superintendent Nickem and several other officers of the Fraud Squad who confiscated his computer and arrested the hapless curate on charges of computer fraud.

Apparently people had discovered that large sums of money had been taken from their bank accounts by the web-site instead of the small donations intended. It transpired that the police had been watching Rev Byte for several months after suspecting him of involvement in several similar enterprises and had intended to arrest him.

Unfortunately he seemed to have fled the country, leaving Rev Keen holding the baby. The curate pleaded his innocence of course, but with his previous record, the chances of the police believing him are very slim, and it may require another intervention from the bishop to get the charges dropped. Unfortunately the Internet classes have now ceased but I now have sufficient knowledge to hold my own in any Internet debate at the Snare & Ferret. This is all the information I need, as I have no intentions of ever buying a computer.

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