God will not give you tomorrow's grace today, but when you wake up in the morning it'll be there.   Bob Gass

'No' is as real an answer to prayer as 'Yes', and often far more kind.  Harry Emerson Fosdick.

God's biggest problem with labourers in his vineyard is absenteeism.  Anon

God works in us and with us, not against us or without us.  John Owen

What health is to the heart, that holiness is to the soul.  John Flavel

There are no personal relationships in hell.  CS Lewis

Sow holiness and reap happiness.  George Swinnock

He who forgets the language of gratitude can never be on speaking terms with happiness.  C Neil Strait

Guilt is the very nerve of sorrow.  Horace Bushnell

God always provides a light through every one of his tunnels.  Anon

We are saved not by our deeds but by Christ's sacrifice for our misdeeds.  Fred Catherwood.

Taking an economic theory course may not keep you off the bread line, but at least you'll know why you are there.

Occasionally you see a man driving a car so carefully that you conclude it must be paid for.

By the time we pay off our summer's holiday bills we put on the credit card, it is time to think about Christmas presents.

10 definitions

Success:  being able to afford spending what you are already spending.

Spanking:  a case punishing one extremity to get sense in the other.

Sceptic:  one who won't take know for an answer

Sewing circle:  a group that darns husbands

Rush hour:  when the traffic stands still

Optimist:  one who takes a frying pan on a fishing trip.

Pessimist:  a person who is happy when he is wrong.

Music: the speech of angels

Necessary evil: one we like so much we refuse to do away with it.

Monday morning: when we look back wistfully on the good old days – Saturday and Sunday.

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