Minutes of Deanery Synod Meeting

held at 7:30 pm.on 22ndOctober, 2003,

in All Saints’ Church, Loose.

1. Welcome

The Lay Chairman, Mr. Lionel Marchant, welcomed the members and stated that he had expressed the thanks of members to the ladies who had provided the refreshments.  Following a hymn he invited the Reverend Eric Delve to lead the opening prayer and Bible Study.

2. Opening Prayer and Bible Study

Following an opening prayer the Reverend Eric Delve stated that he was basing his thoughts on Isaiah 54 vv 1 – 8.  He pointed out that the passage starts “Sing O barren woman”.  He then went on to say that the ultimate disgrace for a woman in Israel was to be barren, but God here says that the barren woman should shout for joy rather than lament her state.

Eric then went on to suggest that the situation of the Church of England is analogous to the barren woman.  He reminded members that God says, “Don’t look to other people for an husband,” as some of the Churches in Europe have; where it has only produced natural children.  It is only when God is the husband that release comes and you can expect to have many children.  God says that you will spread out, and the situations will move forward, but it depends on your worship and intimacy with God.  You will look foolish.  He then asked, “Have you ever made a fool of yourself?  Is it worth doing it for God?”  He continued saying that the shame you fear will not come and you will not remember the reproach of it, for God is calling you back.

He then referred to the current policy of the Church of England to manage decline.  But what if God gives us millions, many not knowing the Book of Common Prayer, let alone understanding Common Worship.  He expressed his belief that God has good things in store for us, but we need to consider three words beginning with M.

Money – The problem is that no one is prepared to preach about it.

Mission – We are not here for ourselves but for those that do not know.

Morality – We need to listen to the Pope.  We need to stick with what the Bible says and go for it together.

He concluded with a prayer.

3. Presentation to the Reverend Eric Delve as Retiring Area Dean

The Lay Chairman invited the Reverend Eric Delve to return to the front and proceeded to express the thanks of the Synod for the time and energy he had put into being the first Area Dean of Maidstone, in addition to all the other responsibilities he had.  He then presented him with a card and a book token from the members of Synod.  The Reverend Ian Crofts then expressed the thanks of the clergy for his leadership, mentioning in particular the Millennium Pentecost Party in the Park.

The Lay Chairman announced that the Reverend Karen Gorham is our new Area Dean and her licensing will take place at St. Paul’s Church on Sunday December 7th at 3:30 pm.  This will be followed by tea.  He then went on and stated that the Lay Chairmen in the Diocese had expressed to the Bishops that they normally choose as Area Dean a vicar who is very busy.  It would seem sensible to provide some assistance.  The Bishops took this on board and as a result the Reverend Lee Townend has been appointed Assistant Area Dean.  The Lay Chairman then expressed the thanks of the Synod for the use of All Saints Loose.

The Lay Chairman then announced that Sara Bimson was ordained in June and the Secretary apologises for having omitted the Reverend Chris Thom, who was ordained last September from the address list.  Unfortunately he was away abroad, so was unable to attend.  He also welcomed Sister Diana, the first Maidstone Nightclub Chaplain.

The Lay Chairman also advised members that the Reverend Sara Bimson and the Reverend Lee Townend had recently been elected by the House of Clergy to fill vacancies on the Diocesan Synod.

4. Apologies for Absence

8 members of the House of Clergy and 20 members of the House of Laity were recorded as present.  Apologies had been received from 8 members of the House of Clergy and 7 members of the House of Laity.

5. Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the meeting of 5th June, 2003, were approved, and signed by the Chairman.

6. Matters Arising from the Meeting on 5th June, 2003 and not on the Agenda of This Meeting

There were none.

7. Appointment of Treasurer

The Lay Chairman announced that Mrs Maureen Bortolozzo was willing to stand for the post of Treasurer.  The Reverend Lee Townend proposed that Mr. Bortolozzo be appointed as the Treasurer.  This was seconded by the Reverend Jim Perryman and agreed unanimously.

The Lay Chairman then proposed the following motion to change the authorised signatories on the Maidstone Deanery Synod bank account: -

That the Revd. Karen Gorham, the Area Dean of Maidstone, and Mrs. Maureen Bortolozzo, the Treasurer, are appointed as signatories of the Maidstone Deanery Synod bank account in place of the Revd. Eric Delve, the former Area Dean of Maidstone, and the Revd. James Edward Perryman, the former Treasurer of the Deanery Synod.  Mr. Lionel Marchant, the Lay Chairman, and Mr. Clive Sandberg, the Secretary, officers of the Maidstone Deanery Synod, are to continue as the other two signatories to the Maidstone Deanery Synod bank account.  Any two of the four signatories may sign.

This was agreed unanimously.

8. Appointment of Assistant Area Dean to Standing Committee

The Lay Chairman then proposed the following motion to change the composition of the Standing Committee of the Deanery to include the Assistant Area Dean: -

That the Assistant Area Dean shall be an additional member of the Standing Committee of the Maidstone Deanery and that the Committee shall comprise:  The Area Dean and the Assistant Area Dean, who are appointed by the Archbishop, The Lay Chairman, elected by the House of Laity, the Treasurer, the Secretary and Assistant Secretary, elected by both Houses of the Synod and two members each from the House of Clergy and the House of Laity, elected by the members of the individual Houses. The posts of Secretary and Assistant Secretary are to be filled by one representative from each House. 

This was agreed unanimously

9. Election of Lay Diocesan Synod Representative

The Lay Chairman asked whether there were any nominations to fill the vacancy for a lay representative on the Diocesan Synod.  There were none.

10. Deanery Mission Plan

By way of introduction the Reverend Karen Gorham, the Area Dean, referred to Acts 2 vv 42 – 47 where it tells us of some of the values that the Church held immediately following the Day of Pentecost.  Among them was the core value of sharing.  Today we want to look at “What are our Values” as a Deanery?

She then asked what do we value most?  We all have our own values.  Churches have values and this makes them different.  Some value growth, others social action, others value prayer.  These values influence our mission.

She then stated that values: -

Determine what is distinctive

Dictate our personal involvement

Communicate what is important

Influence overall behaviour

Inspire people into action

Influence Mission and values

Also values are the unchanging threads that hold together a constantly changing organisation.  Values: -

Touch the very heart and soul of the organisation

Are Biblical

Are core beliefs

Drive the Ministry.

The Area Dean then provided each member with a sheet listing 45 values.  Members were asked to give a rating to each of these core values.  The rating was to be from 1 to 5:  one being lowest and 5 highest.  It was suggested that each person in doing the rating should try to give as few 5s as possible.

Having completed the rating of the values members were asked to signify as the list went through whether they had given the particular value a score of four or five.  Most of the values scored some ratings of four or five.  Following this each member was invited to come forward and place a symbol against the five values they most highly rated.  The examination of the results showed that some of the values that scored the highest probably barely featured in our Deanery programme.

The Area Dean said that she was surprised by some of the results, but was sure that as the Standing Committee drives forward the preparation of a Deanery Mission Plan the results of this exercise will be very helpful.

11. Parish Report

The Lay Chairman then invited Sister Diana, the new Maidstone Nightclub Chaplain, to give a report on the work so far.  She commenced by saying that she had been involved with the club culture for the last 16 years.  It began when she was 18 in nightclubs in Norwich.  At first she was involved in prayer for others working in the club, but after some time she worked with the volunteers in the club every Wednesday.  She was next accepted by the Church Army for training as an evangelist.  She loves sharing her faith with other people.  She did three years training in Sheffield.  She did a placement under Graham Nunn and he said that she should do children’s work.  Eventually the opportunity came of a job in a nightclub in Bournemouth for three years.

16,000 young people go clubbing in Maidstone.  She has been here three months and has spent most of her time in the Ikon club in Maidstone.  The club has a capacity for 1800 people.  She has spent 2 to 3 nights a week there and has a good relationship with the management.  God has definitely opened doors.

Sister Diana then asked members “Why do people go clubbing?”.  Responses from members were corporate experience, fun and fellowship.  Sister Diane said that she felt it was for enjoyment and escapism.  She went on to ask , “What are the main ways which people use to escape in the club environment?”  Members suggested drink, drugs, music, dancing and noise.  Sister Diane said that in her opinion it was alcohol, sex, drugs and music.  Her role is to have discussions with the clubbers, but she is not trained to cope with particular problems relating for example to drugs, so she needs to pass contacts on to those who have the qualifications.  In time she would wish to have an organisation to pass the work on to, so she would welcome people who have a heart for this work to come and work alongside her.

Her licensing service is to be held at Knightrider Street Baptist Church at 8 pm on Thursday 6th November.  She is sending out a fortnightly prayer bulletin on e-mail, which she will be happy to send to those interested.

12. Treasurer’s Report

With the election of a new Treasurer having just taken place, the Reverend Jim Perryman, the former treasurer, gave a brief report.  He said that every single parish had made at least one payment towards the Parish Share and many had paid 50%.  This was quite encouraging.  He announced that the Deanery Benevolent Fund had received no donations, but members from some of the Churches that had offered to contribute said that they had been waiting for the Treasurer to invoice them.  The Reverend Jim Perryman advised them that as this was a donation all that was required was for them to send the Treasurer a cheque made payable to the Maidstone Deanery.

13. Area Dean’s Notices

There were none.

14. General Synod Report

The Area Dean said that as this was the first meeting of General Synod that she had attended.  As it was held in York it was more laid back than those held in London.  The main item of business was the Anglican Methodist Covenant.  This was agreed and work will be continuing on it.  She then referred to the report headed “Formation for Ministry within a Learning Church”.  This report contains some very radical suggestions.  Finally she reported that Synod had approved some additional collects in what the Area Dean described as “user-friendly” language”.

15. Any Other Relevant Business

There was none.

16. Closing Prayer

The Lay Chairman again thanked the Reverend Lee Townend for the hospitality that he had extended to the Synod, and invited him to close the meeting with prayer.


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