
You may or may not have been aware of the publication of the Maidstone Deanery Mission Plan. There should be copies available in the churches. On the other hand you may ask ‘What have Deaneries got to do with me?’

It seems that Deaneries will become increasingly important in future years, in some areas more so than others depending on geographical or social issues. A Deanery is a group of parishes and has an ‘Area Dean’ who is appointed by the Bishop to supervise and give pastoral support. Within the Anglican structure of Synodical government, the deanery is the first Synodical level: each deanery has its own synod, of which the rural or area dean is a chairperson, and to which each parish sends representatives.

Maidstone Deanery comprises:

All Saints Loose, All Saints with St Philip, Maidstone and St Stephen, Tovil, Christ Church Parkwood St Andrew Barming Heath, St Faith Maidstone  St Luke Maidstone St Martin Shepway with St Hilary Senacre St Michael and All Angels Maidstone St Nicholas Allington with St Peter Maidstone, St Paul Maidstone

The Area Dean is The Reverend Karen Gorham of St Paul’s The Lay Chairman is Lionel Marchant. The Assistant Area Dean is The Reverend Lee Townend of All Saints Loose.

Deanery Pastoral Group

The Deanery Pastoral Group is made up of representatives from each Parish, when possible an equal number of Clergy and Lay members.. The group will meet approximately four times a year and is accountable to Deanery Synod. Primarily the group, in discussion with the parishes, is there to create and nurture a Deanery strategy for the deployment of its resources, both clergy and local people. It can develop training policies and programmes for the Deanery. In considering the Deanery as a whole it will look at what areas of ministry are being neglected or need to be strengthened.

The Pastoral Group has met once to date. It is important to remember that the group is not about techniques or programmes but about relationships. Time was spent getting to know not just one another but also each parish. It is about looking and listening to see where God is at work amongst us, sharing what’s going on in our churches and allowing ‘church’ to emerge in perhaps unexpected places.                   

This year there will be new elections necessary for parish representatives on Deanery Synod. Please consider whether this might be something for you. It is an important role and hopefully during the next years one which will bear much fruit in spreading the Kingdom of God in Maidstone. 

I will report back again after the next meeting in March.

Your representative on Deanery Synod and the Deanery Pastoral Group - Elizabeth Bussmann

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