All Saints with St Philip’s Mothers’ Union

We held two meetings last month; both totally different in nature, which always adds to the enjoyment.

For our first meeting of the month, Brian Cannell continued his guided tour of the church and pointed out so many things we had walked past for years and never noticed. Later in the month we held an evening meeting at St Philip’s and Pat Dickens from St Andrew’s MU told us about the Parenting Courses, which the MU runs in this area.

Next month will be very exciting, as the Canterbury Diocese MU are coming to All Saints, instead of the Cathedral, to hold their annual Festival Service on Tuesday 10th May at 11am. Brenda Lawson, our Diocesan President, many members of the Trustee Board and the Deanery Presidents will be attending the service. It will be lovely to have all the members together in one place again. Bishop Stephen is also coming and members, their families and friends will fill our church.

Following the service at 2.30pm we will be holding our monthly Branch Meeting in All Saints, when the Rev. Elizabeth Attaway will be talking about her Ministry.

If you want to know more about the MU in this parish please contact me, Mary Shaw, on 01732 870146.

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